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to watch

To see something that is moving (like a play, TV or sporting match)

Present form
Past form
Continuous form
Past Participle form
Mona Lisa.png
Present form


I watch football every Saturday.

My friends always go to the cinema to watch the new films.

A: What should we watch tonight?
B: How about Breaking Bad?
A: Nah, I've seen it.
B: Oh, when was that?

Past form


I watched my friends in a play.

Last night my friends watched a couple have a fight on the train.

A: What did you do last night?
B: Not much. I just watched TV.
A: Anything good?
B: Not really.

Continuous form


I am watching a terrible film.

She's watching Breaking Bad.

A: Are you watching anything good on TV now?
B: We just started watching Breaking Bad.
A: Is it good?
B: Very. I recommend it.

Past participle


I have watched football Wembly Stadium.

We've watched her playing for hours.

A: Have you watched sport recently?
B: Yeah, I saw tennis at Wimbledon.
A: What did you think?
B: It was great.

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