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to collect

to go a specific place and take, to gather lots of similar items

Present form
Past form
Continuous form
Past Participle form
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Present form


Every day I collect eggs from the chickens.

He collects old records.

A: Shall we get a takeaway?
B: Yeah, let's do it. It'll be quicker if I go and collect it.
A: That's a good idea. I'll call now.

Past form


When I was younger I collected stickers of footballers.

My mum collected my sister from her football club.

A: Can you collect Jamie from swimming please?
B: I collected her last week and am in the middle of something.
A: Okay! I'll collect her this week but you do next week.
B: Fine.

Continuous form


I'm collecting a book I reserved at the library.

She's been collecting stamps since she was 7-years-old.

A: Where are you going?
B: I'm going to the department store.
A: Nice. Are you looking for anything special?
B: I'm actually collecting a few things I've already bought.

Past participle


I've collected coins for 10 years.

My wife had collected our son from the airport when the car broke down.

A: What happened?
B: I'd collected the passenger and was on my way to the drop-off when the car was hit from behind.
A: That must have been scary.
B: It was but luckily everyone was okay.

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