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Have to / Must

Subject + have / has to + present tense verb phrase


Subject + must + present tense verb phrase

You have to wear a uniform.

I must be at work by 9am.

Have to / must - explain

General rule

Have to = very important, something bad will happen if you do not do it, you have no choice.


Must = something that would be very good if you did it. You have a choice, but you should do it. 

You have to wear a uniform.

If you did not wear a uniform, you would lose your job. 

I must be at work by 9am.

Being at work by 9am would be be good. 

Example 1

A story


Monday: David arrives at work at 9:05am. Gary is David's boss.


Gary: David, you must be at work by 9am. 

David: Yes, Gary. I will tomorrow.


Tuesday: David arrives at work at 9:10am.


Gary: David, remember you must be at work by 9am. 

David: Sorry Gary, the trains were late. 


Wednesday: David arrives at work at 9:07am. 


Gary: David, you are late again. You have to be at work by 9am tomorrow. Do you understand?

David: Yes, Gary. Will do. Sorry. 

On Monday and Tuesday David was late. Gary said he 'must be' at work by 9am. Sometimes people are late, so it would be good if David made sure he was on time. However, David was late on Wednesday as well. Now, something bad would happen if David was late again. This is why Gary said 'have to'.

Example 2
have to

I have to do my homework.

I will get detention if I don't.


I must do my homework.

I can play computer games when I do.

have to

He 'has to' do his homework. 


Something bad (detention) will happen if he does not do it. 


He 'must' do his homework. 


Something good (computer game) will happen if he does it.

Example 3

I am moving to London so have to study English. 

He is moving to London. People speak English there. To be understood he has to speak English.


I would be bad if he did not. 

I like English but I don't have time to study. I must study more.

English is her hobby. She does not have time to study. Studying more would help her improve. 


She must study English.

Have to / must - practice

Teacher and Student

Have to: look after children


  • I have to look after children


Must: wear smart clothes


  • I must wear smart clothes.


have to must

Have to: help customers, wear a uniform​​

Answer - She...and...

She has to help customers and wear a uniform.

Must: smile

Answer - She

She must smile.

Shop assistant

have to must

Have to: write accurate notes, take care of patients​​

Answer - She...and...

She has to write accurate notes and take care of patients.

Must: be kind

Answer - She

She must be kind.


Do not have to / Must not - explain

Subject + do not have to + present tense verb phrase


Subject + must not + present tense verb phrase

Do not have to

You don't have to help me.

This means:

  • it is okay if you do not help

  • it is not important to help

  • not helping is okay 


She does not need help. 

Must not

You must not talk! This is a library.

This means it is a rule. It would be very bad if you broke the rule.


You must not talk in a library. 


In a park:


  • You must not litter.

  • You must not smoke.

  • You must not have a barbecue.

must not musn't
must not musn't
must not musn't

In a swimming pool:


  • You must not run. 

  • You must not splash. 

  • You must not jump in.  

must not musn't
must not musn't
must not musn't

Have to / Must / Do not have to / Must not

must not

do / does not have to


have to

Bad if you do.

Okay if you do not.

Good if you do.

Bad if you do not.

Fiona's diary

23rd June


Mr. Smith gave the class a project to do for the 30th June. I must not forget to do it!

must not forget = it would be bad if I forgot

24th June


I wanted to start my project today but went swimming instead. It was great fun. It's okay - I don't have to do it yet.


Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my friends. I have to think about what to wear. I might wear a yellow dress because it will be hot. 

don't have to do it yet = doing it is not important; it's okay that I don't do it


have to think about what to wear = it would be bad if I did not think about what to wear

25th June


Shopping was fun but tiring. I am exhausted. I must start my project tomorrow or I will not finish it.

must start = it would be good if I started

27th June


I was in bed all day yesterday. I was ill after shopping so much. I have to be better tomorrow - there's a party at a school.

have to be better tomorrow = it would be bad if I did not get better

28th June


I just got back from the party. It was so good! The music was fantastic and I danced all night. 


Tomorrow I have to do my project.

have to do my project = it would be bad if I did not do my project

29th June


I am still working on my project. I have to finish it in the morning and hand it in to Mr. Smith. 


I should have started it earlier.  

have to finish it = it would be bad if I did not finish it

Don't have to - practice

don't have to
don't have to



Sophie: I'm not feeling very well.

James: I'm sorry to hear that. Can I get you something to eat?

Sophie: Thank you but you don't have to.


James: I'm going to the supermarket. Would you like some medicine?

Sophie: You don't have to buy any, I have some at home.


Sophie: I'm going to make a cup of tea. Do you want one?

James: You don't have to do that; you're ill. Let me make it.

Dooesn't not have to - practice - Job / verb / clue

Office / work / weekends

Answer - An office worker...

An office worker doesn't have to work weekends.

Chef / serve / customers

Answer - A chef...

A chef doesn't have to serve customers.

Police officer / be / tall

Answer - A police officer...

A chef doesn't have to serve customers.

Singer / be / young

Answer - A singer...

A singer doesn't have to be young.


Vocabulary - Verbs
Vocabulary - Nouns

must not

do not have to


have to

Bad if you do.

take care of patients

look after patients

give wrong medicine

help patients

change the bedding every day

wear a uniform on days off

wear a uniform at work

Okay if you do not.

Good if you do.

Bad if you do not.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse has to take care of patients.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse has to look after patients.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse must not give the wrong medicine to patients.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse must help everyone.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse does not have to change the bedding every day.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse does not have to wear a uniform on days off.

Answer - A nurse

A nurse has to wear a uniform at work.

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